TECHNIQUES: It’s all about the eyes!
Want to instantly add some wow factor to your photos? The simplest trick used by photographers all over the globe is… EYE CONTACT.
It sounds too simple to be true right? And yet ensuring that you have good eye contact with your subject is the number one tip I can give that will instantly improve your photos.
So why does eye contact make such a difference? On land we are always told the eyes are the key to a person’s soul. And underwater it is much the same. The eye draws people in. Without eye contact you feel like on observer. With eye contact you feel drawn in, removing the distance between you and the fish.
Bear in mind: eye contact does not necessarily mean the subject is looking at you with both eyes. In fact, some fish look bug eyed or can have each of their eyes focused on different things (think about trigger fish). What you are looking for is a strong sense on communication between you and the fish
So next time you are composing a pic, wait a moment. Is your subject looking at you? If not, either wait until you get that magic moment or change your position to make eye contact possible.